Meet the Photographer

Hi there! My name is Keelyn Merworth. I am currently a student at Texas A&M University while also pursuing photography on the side. I have always had a passion for taking pictures and capturing life’s moments, something I learned from my parents! I love being behind a lens, helping capture the sweetest memories and bring visions to life. Aside from photography, I also love to doodle, draw, design, and create things. This is where the design services portion comes into play. Please don’t hesitate to reach out. I love meeting new people and building connections!

Behind 31:13

My faith has always been a huge part of who I am. Proverbs 31:13 is a verse that I choose to live by and remember while doing work. I think that work should be fun, while also being willing to work hard in order to get amazing photo results and stunning designs. I wanted to incorporate my values into my small business, which is where 31:13 comes from!